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It contains different vitamins, wheat proteins and mink oil, can penetrate deep into the hair through hair pellicle, activate the proteins in the hair pellicle and hair mesenchyme to repair the damaged hair and hair pellicle and restore the luster and bri

It contains a variety of interactive listening and speaking activities providing speaking and pronunciation practice for both pair work and groups. 书中安排多样的练习活动,其中大部分是小组或团体活动,让学生透过彼此互动来练习发音。
It contains all kinds of natural organic acid, mineral, vitamin and so on .It can increase appetite, keep health effectively. 含有各种对人体有益的天然有机酸、矿物质、维生素等,能有效地增进食欲、维持健康。
It contains blackhead-cleaning elements, Vitamin C and vegetal compact essence. 蕴含清黑头成份,维他命C及植物紧致精华。
It contains cordycepin, juvenilehormone, ecdysone, silkworm dialyzable extracts, queen bee and larva extract, with the function of nourishing yin and tonifying kidney, balancing Yin and Yang, strengthening physical ability and regulating immunity. 内含虫草素、保幼素、蜕皮素、蚕宝素,蜂王幼虫提取物、具有滋阴补肾、平衡阴阳、增强体能、调节免疫的功效。
It contains different kinds of vitamins and other moisturizing elements, can quickly penetrate into improve the skin and make the skin soft, smooth and elasstic. 配合多种维生素及其它滋润成份,能迅速渗透肌肤,改善肤质,使肌肤柔软润滑富有弹性。
It contains different vitamins, wheat proteins and mink oil, can penetrate deep into the hair through hair pellicle, activate the proteins in the hair pellicle and hair mesenchyme to repair the damaged hair and hair pellicle and restore the luster and bri 蕴含多种维他命、小麦蛋白及水貂油,能在发干表膜的纤维渗入发丝内部,并刺激发干表膜和发干间质层中蛋白质的活性,从而修复受损发丝及发膜,令秀发回复健康亮泽,光彩动人。
It contains fresh licorice fragrance. It is able to remove dead surface cells gently and efficiently. Cleans deeply so that the skin is relaxed and hydrated and maintains optimal form. 蕴含清新甘草芳香,能温和有效去除角质层、深度洁净肌肤,令皮肤得到舒缓和滋润,保持最佳状态。
It contains high levels of Ganoderma Lucidum Polysaccharide, Triterpene Ganoderma Lucidum Acid, Organic Germanium, without adding any tea, coloring matter and additives. 产品描述:富含灵芝多糖、三萜类灵芝酸、有机锗等,不含茶叶成分、色素添加剂。口感苦后甘醇,有益健康的天然滋补品。
It contains information on the exhibition's schedule and the exhibitor's products, so it is a key to visitors from various sects. 内容涵盖展览会相关信息和所有参展单位资料,是观众参观和交流重要的指导性刊物。
It contains internal buffers for temporarily holding this data until it can be sent on. 它包含了内部缓存设备,以便临时存储数据,直到该数据被转发。
It contains materials on the problems facing the communist movement, particularly relating to Russia, China and India, the origins of modern revisionism, the restoration of capitalism in the USSR and developments in the international communist movement. 它的内容有共产主义运动中面临的问题(尤其是俄国、中国和印度),现代修正主义的产生,功联的资本主义复辟和国际共产主义运动的发展。

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