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HBCW's international instant translation can offer simplified Chinese character, traditional Chinese character, English, Japanese, German, and Russian language translation service online.

HAVE you ever noticed that, in the summer, when your sweat dries it will leave marks on your T-shirt? The marks are tiny bits of salt. 你有没有注意到,夏天的时候,汗水干了之后会在T恤衫上留下一些痕迹?其实,这些痕迹是由极少量的盐留下来的。
HAVE you ever wanted to travel back through time and see what life was like at the dawn of man? 你曾经想过做一次时光旅行回到过去,看看人类最初的样子吗?
HAVING grown at an annual rate of 3.2% per head since 2000, the world economy is over half way towards notching up its best decade ever. 世界经济自2000年以来以年均3.2%的速度增长,其向最辉煌的十年迈进的征途已经过半。
HB Swan sets up:International Department,Inland Department,Tour Department for conference.Reception Department,and Tickets Center. 公司下设:国际部,国内部,会奖旅游部,接待部和票务中心.
HB: See you guys. Thank you! 海尔兄弟齐声说:再见,谢谢你们。
HBCW's international instant translation can offer simplified Chinese character, traditional Chinese character, English, Japanese, German, and Russian language translation service online. 海边草屋国际即时翻译可以提供简体中文、繁体中文、英文、日文、德文、俄文的在线服务。
HBO therapy could be a useful treatment adjunct for laryngeal radionecrosis. 高压氧对于喉部放射线性坏死可做为一个有用的辅助性治疗。
HBOCs differ from red blood cells in that the hemoglobin is not contained within a membrane. 基于血红蛋白的氧携带体与血红细胞不同之处在于不含存在于膜中的血红蛋白。
HBV does not cross the skin or the mucous membrane barrier. HBV不会穿过皮肤或粘膜进行传播。
HBV has 7 genotypes A to G and it has been postulated that some may have a higher incidence of cirrhosis or and Liver cancer. 乙肝病毒基因型和其变异型是不同的.变异型是在某一个核苷酸的新变故,而基因型则是一组不同的核苷酸.
HBeAg seroconversion at the end of 1 year was 29% for combination, 18% for lamivudine, 19% for interferon and 4% in placebo. 治疗一年后,HBEAG血清转换情况为:联合治疗为29%,拉米夫啶为18%,干扰素为19%,安慰组为4%。

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