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The research situation of oil tannage and the application prospect of chamois

The research on spinnability of the nettle fibers 荨麻纤维可纺性能的分析研究
The research on the immune mechanism of Th/Th response induced by subunit liposomal adjuvant vaccine of Campylobacter jejuni 空肠弯曲菌亚单位脂质体佐剂疫苗诱导的Th/Th应答机制研究
The research results showed that the root belongs to diarch. 研究结果表明:根为二原型。
The research shows that gupsum and burnt gypsum can always accelerate the hydrating process of C S and C S ,and their active action on the hydration of calcium silicates is similar. 果表明:适量的煅烧石膏或二水石膏均能促进C S和CS的水化,但两类石膏的促进效果相近;
The research shows that gupsum and burnt gypsum can always accelerate the hydrating process of C_ S and C_S,and their active action on the hydration of calcium silicates is similar. 果表明:适量的煅烧石膏或二水石膏均能促进 C_ S 和 C_S 的水化,但两类石膏的促进效果相近;
The research situation of oil tannage and the application prospect of chamois 油鞣技术的研究现状与油鞣革的应用前景
The residual H.detection rate was 7.%, 7. % and 8. % in the antrum, body and angulus, respectively, and no significant difference was found between these three sites (P>0.0). pylori感染率分别为7.%、7. %和8. %,各组间无显著性差异(P>0.0)。 H.
The residues of organo chlorine pesticide were . 89×0 -  ̄0.80 μg/g. 样品中各异构体检出结果为. 89×0- ~0.80 μg/g。
The resistance of chinar, hawthorn and ural falses piraea are relatively low, which maybe bring problems. 二球悬铃木、山楂等抗性相对较弱,使用再生水灌溉可能产生问题。
The respire machine is the advanced medical equipment in the hospital. 呼吸机是医院常见的较先进的医疗设备,如果我们使用不当,机器就会发生故障。
The response rate was 00% for freckles,seborrheic keratosis, and naevus fuscocaeruleus zygomaticus after four times of treatment. 雀斑次治疗可达到80%的痊愈率; 脂溢性角化次治疗00%痊愈;

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