Control the environment factors of department according to PD.
按照公司程序文件的要求,控制本岗位的环境因素。 |
Control the face to divide into two layers in the book, a layer of possible ones imitate the muscle with the skeleton; The second layer is to utilize more skeletons to influence various kinds of facial details.
书中把面部控制分为两层,一层尽可能的用骨骼去模拟肌肉;第二层是利用更多的骨骼去影响面部的各种细节。 |
Control the inbound and outbound process according to system documents.
按照程序文件规定管理物料入、出库。 |
Control the information flow, assort with the electronic information between our company and suppliers.
控制信息流程,协调厂内物流和供应商相关电子数据交换,转换并发布相关数据。 |
Control the key milestone such as NRP and CER.
控制关键里程碑节点,如NRP,CER. |
Control the paint material consumption and make request for purchase as and when require.
控制油漆材料的消耗并且如需提出购买申请. |
Control the starting line-up, change tactics &formations, and adjust each player's attributes as the game progresses in real time.
即时控制场上队员、改变战术、队形并调整好队员们的状态。 |
Control the total output of mineral primary products.
控制矿产品等初级加工产品生产总量。 |
Control then flows to the next statement after the exception handler and continues within your program.
控制然后继续按照你的程序中的(位于)异常处理器的下一个声明。 |
Control valve characteristic depends on its flow rate, pressure drop, static pressure and valve stroke.
这些特性的明了与掌握,有助于控制阀的设计与操作问题的排除。 |
Control valves and valve general, the executing agency.
控制阀一般由执行机构和阀门组成。 |