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I have taken it upon myself to give these jerks a taste of their own medicine.

I have sworn to heaven to have my pound of flesh. 我已经对天发誓要得到我的一镑肉。
I have take a fancy on hot dog. 我喜欢上热狗了。
I have take my coat and umbrella in anticipation of rain. 我估计有雨,所以带著外套和伞。
I have taken a third helping . 我已经吃了第三份食物了。
I have taken a third helping. 我已经吃了第三份食物了。
I have taken it upon myself to give these jerks a taste of their own medicine. 我曾当仁不让地要叫这些坏蛋尝尝自食恶果的滋味。
I have taken the framework of their words and polished them a little for the sake of grammar and fluidity of meaning and readability. 我已经对他们的话作出了结构上的调整,并稍加润饰使其语法更通顺,更具可读性。
I have taken the matter up with Hydro this end to try to push the shipper into delivering the cargo before the vessel arrives. 我已经和水疗院方面就问题达成一致,尽量催促托运人在船到来之前发贷.
I have taken the time to ask some questions, and here is my glossary of over used titles that make a buyer think they are really getting something out of a national ace, when in fact they are getting something quite different. 我花费很多时间对此进行研究,作出“头衔”术语表,这些头衔曾经使得买主自认为买到了真正的国家赛鸽王,但事实上却截然不同。
I have talked to prewar isolationists too, who defend my father's political position as an honorable one, even while feeling the distress I have felt about some of his speeches and writings. 我也和战前的孤立主义者谈话,他们替我父亲辩护政治立场,认为他是光荣的,即使我会觉得沮丧,我依然探索着他的演讲或是著作。
I have talked with him this morning about his study. 今天早晨我跟他谈了他学业的事。

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