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A: Are you sure this car can get us all the way to Kenting? It's shaking and rattling so much!

A: Are you seeing any problems? 你看还有问题吗?
A: Are you sick of eating at home? Do you want to go out, honey? 老是在家吃你会不会腻?要不要出去吃啊,亲爱的?
A: Are you still feeling jet lag? 你还有时差问题吗?
A: Are you still mad at me? 你还在生我的气吗?
A: Are you sure that is legal? (你肯定那是合法的吗?)
A: Are you sure this car can get us all the way to Kenting? It's shaking and rattling so much! 你确定这部车可以撑到垦丁吗?它摇晃得好厉害,三不五时又有怪声音。
A: Are you sure you can do it? (你肯定你能做好这件事吗?)
A: Are you sure you can make profits out of the investment? 你确信这次投资一定能获利吗?
A: Are you sure you drive in a right direction? 你肯定你开的方向没错?
A: Are you traveling a lot? 你经常旅行吗?
A: Are you two seeing each other? 你们俩在交往吗?

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