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After the time of Abimelech a man of Issachar, Tola son of Puah, the son of Dodo, rose to save Israel.

After the teleconference,the club directors launched concrete discussing about the concrete work. 会议结束后,俱乐部负责人又就具体工作展开了具体讨论。
After the temperature rise to 900 deg. C, stop the power. Wait for a few hours cooling and the biscuit fire is finished. 当温度升至900度后可关掉电源以待冷却至室温,此时整个素烧已完成,可打开窑顶取出各素烧作品。
After the text material has been created on the personal computer CRT screen, it can be printed or stored in the auxiliary storage for the future reference. 当文本内容显示在计算机屏幕上以后,文本内容可被打印出来,或者可以存在外存上以供将来使用。
After the theory of the generalized point photogrammetry is introduced, its applications are presented, including computer of image parameter from vanishing point and modelling by single image, determination of image parameters by matching between vector 论述了广义点摄影测量理论,介绍了其应用,包括由灭点计算影像参数及单像建模,由矢量与影像的匹配确定影像的参数,钣金件的检测与由轮廓线匹配确定飞机的姿态等。
After the third part ,Liu Zili and two dancing experts guided Liuchang and liudan,Zheng Jingxian and duoduo to dance the companionship-dance.During their study,the emcee read some benison and hope from the audience. 第三环节后执委刘自力出现,带来了两位舞蹈资深人士,经他们现场指导,主席刘畅+美女刘丹,执委郑景贤+美女多多这两对组合跟着音乐跳起了交谊舞,在他们学习的时间内,主持人朗读了现场观众交上来的一些字条,上面写着愿望和感悟。
After the time of Abimelech a man of Issachar, Tola son of Puah, the son of Dodo, rose to save Israel. 1亚比米勒以后,有以萨迦人朵多的孙子,普瓦的儿子陀拉兴起,拯救以色列人。
After the toastmaster's short introduction, the main spokeman Liu Yang opened the door of the hardware knowledge for us in simple words. 经过主持人的简短介绍之后,主讲人刘阳用通俗易懂的语言为我们打开了计算机硬件知识之门。
After the toastmaster's short introduction, the main talker Liu Yang opened up the door of the hardware knowledge for us with straightway words. 经过主持人的简短介绍之后,主讲人刘阳用通俗易懂的语言为我们打开了计算机硬件知识之门。
After the trade fair has finished or the lease of the counter has expired, the consumer may also demand compensation from the organizer of the trade fair or the lessor of the counter. 展销会结束或者柜台租赁期满后,也可以向展销会的举办者、柜台的出租者要求赔偿。
After the traffic accident he lay in bed for two weeks. 车祸后他在床上躺了两个星期。
After the tragedy of 4/16 last year, you saw the best Virginia Tech students.Their ownship, their passion, their commitment to their university was second to none. 去年4月16号的悲剧之后,你见证了维吉尼亚大学最好的学生。他们的认同感,他们的激情,他们对栄的承诺,都是首指一屈的。

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