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Like his mother, William has a heart for the needy.

Like herself, the town was a mixture of the old and new in Georgia, in which the old often came off second best in its conflicts with the self-willed and vigorous new. 像她本人一样,这个城镇是乔治亚内在的新旧两种因素的混合,而旧的因素在同我行我素、生气勃勃的新因素冲突中往往退居二位。
Like his father, he was driving a car called Bluebird. 同他父亲一样,他也驾驶着一辆名叫“蓝鸟”的汽车。
Like his fellow billionaire Bill Gates, Abramovich is unexpectedly slight. 跟同为亿万富翁的比尔盖茨一样,阿布拉莫维奇出乎意料的瘦。
Like his good friend Tevez, Mascherano left an Argentinian club - River Plate, the great rivals of Boca Juniors - to join Corinthians in 2004, for a fee of $15million, and helped to play a key role in their title success last year. 和他的好朋友特维兹差不多,马斯切拉诺离开博卡的死敌--河床俱乐部于2004年加盟克林蒂安,转会费1500万美元,在他们去年的成功中,他也扮演了重要角色。
Like his hero, Mr Brownback has undergone a conversion; evangelical by background, he became Roman Catholic after a brush with cancer. 他本身出身福音教,一次与癌症擦肩之后成了罗马天主教徒。
Like his mother, William has a heart for the needy. 正如他的母亲一样,威廉有着一颗为需要帮助的人着想的心。
Like i said, there is no right or wrong. Tournament system just needs to improve. 就像我说的,没有绝对的正确与错误,比赛系统只是需要改进。
Like if I eat any fried foods, I try to blot off as much oil as possible. 就好比如果我吃油炸的食物﹐我会尽量的吸掉越多油越好。
Like image maps, there are shareware tools and professional Web graphics programs that can create animated GIFs. 就像图像映射一样,也有很多用于创建动态GIF的共享工具和专业的网络图形程序。
Like in Tutorial I, measure the position of the asteroid by clicking on it. The verification dialog, also known from Tutorial I, will be displayed. 像在指南1中那样,你可以点击鼠标来测量小行星的位置。弹出的对话框也和指南1中的一样。
Like in a Shakespearean drama, this story culminates with the father finally recognizing his mistakes and apologizing to the family. 如同一部莎士比亚的戏剧一般,本片在这个大家庭的家长意识到自己的错误而向整个家庭道歉时达到高潮。

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