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Futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the futures price of commodities or financial instruments.

Futures contracts based on financial instruments such as U.S. Treasury bonds, CDs and other interest-sensitive issues, currencies and stock market indicators. 以金融工具为基础的期货合约。在美国,基础金融工具包括美国政府债券、大额可转让定期存单和其他与利息有关的证券发行、货币和股票市场指数。
Futures is one of the types of financial futures. 外汇期货是金融期货的一种。
Futures market is used primarily for either risk management or speculation, and neither purpose requires delivery. 期货市场或是用来进行风险管理,或是进行投机交易,而这两种目的都不需要进行实物交割。
Futures markets provide a current co e us of knowledgeable opinio about the future price of commodities or financial i truments. 期货市场提供了对商品或金融工具未来价格综合信息所作出的市场判断。
Futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the future price of commodities or financial instruments. 期货市场提供了对商品或金融工具未来价格综合信息所作出的市场判断。
Futures markets provide a current consensus of knowledgeable opinions about the futures price of commodities or financial instruments. 期货市场提供了对商品或者金融工具未来价格综合信息所作出的市场判断。
Futures prices fell 67 cents, closing at 76 dollars 31 cents a barrel. 预计未来油价会下降67美分,大约76.13美元每桶.
Futures touched $62.30, the highest intraday price since trading began in 1983. 石油远期合约也自1983年创立交易以来,达到最高62.30美金。
Futures trading can get highly complex. 期货交易是相当复杂的。
Futures trading can help protect against losses. 期货交易可防止意外损失。
Futures trading is a zero-sum game. 期货交易是一种零和游戏。

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