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The effective permeability is stated as some numerical value at some given saturate conditions.

The effective means are provided for study of dynamic performance with the same class valves and it significantly improves the dynamic characteristics of valve. 研究了阀的结构参数和系统的性能参数对阀的开、闭动态过程性能的影响,分析确定了阀的结构参数。
The effective measures for cuisine specialty to perfect its teaching quality supervisory and controlling system and enhance personnel training quality are that it should establish independent efficient teaching supervisory net and circulative system, lay 摘要烹饪专业应依据专业人才培养特色,形成独立高效的教学监控网络和循环体系、突出职业技能的监控力度、建立完善的教学规章制度等做法是完善烹饪专业教学质量监控体系、提高人才培养质量的有效举措。
The effective methods to combat desertification are monitoring the change of land with remote sensing, licensing the rights of mining ilmenites rationally, and organizing the moderate reclaim. 采用遥感的手段进行跟踪监测,合理地授予采矿权,组织适当的复垦,是解决当地荒漠化的有效途径。
The effective ness of this method was indicated by simulative test. 仿真试脸表明了这一方法的有效性。
The effective permeability is a relative measure of the conductance of the porous medium for one fluid phase when the medium is saturated with more than on fluid. 有效渗透率是在多孔介质被多种流体饱和时,对单一流体相孔隙介质传导性的相对度量。
The effective permeability is stated as some numerical value at some given saturate conditions. 有效渗透率用在一定饱和条件下的数值表示。
The effective resolution of series of problems will help heighten the disciplinary value of ethics and enhance the healthy development of modernization. 对这一系列问题的切实关注和有效解决,将有利于提升伦理学的学科价值,推进现代化建设事业的健康发展。
The effective treatment includes integrity excision, local and general chemotherapy, which made recurrent rate low. 局部病灶完整切除并全身化疗和(或)局部应用化疗药是治疗腱鞘结核的最佳治疗方案,复发率低。
The effectiveness and fairness of the regulatory system are crucial to an orderly securities market. 证券监管体制的有效性和规范性是决定证券市场有序和稳定发展的重要基础。
The effectiveness of Lev was confirmed and revealed in three pivotal multicenter, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled clinical trials conducted in the United States and Europe that Lev is well tolerable and safe for patients with seizure, cog 全球范围的3个重要多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂对照临床试验结果显示左乙拉西坦具有确切的抗癫痫疗效和很好的耐受性,可用于治疗癫痫、神经痛和其他神经系统疾病。
The effectiveness of disinfection also depends on the physical methods adopted. 消毒剂的效力也有赖于所采用的物理方法。

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