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Witnesses said a stream of black crude shot 30 metres into the air like a geyser for 25 minutes before the pipeline was shut down.

Witnesses celebrating Christmas at the bar said there was an explosion just before the fire. 在这个酒吧庆祝圣诞节的目击者说,大火前发生了爆炸。
Witnesses described debris falling from the plane as the pilot lost control and it plummeted, hitting the ground before exploding in a ball of flames in a paddock on farmland. 据目击者描述,飞行员对飞机失去控制时残骸四落,飞机一头扎下,撞在地面上,随即燃起一团火球在农场一片围地上爆炸。
Witnesses have to swear on the bible (to tell the truth). 证人须手按《圣经》宣誓(说实话).
Witnesses near (the city of) Jenin say one of the detainees is the father of the suicide bomber. 杰宁附近的目击者说,被抓获的人中有一人是自杀炸弹杀手的父亲。
Witnesses report seeing less smoke and ash Wednesday but say the volcano spit out flaming material up to 15 meters into the air. 目击者说,星期三见到的烟雾和岩尘有所减少,但是说火山向空中喷射出15米高的燃烧物。
Witnesses said a stream of black crude shot 30 metres into the air like a geyser for 25 minutes before the pipeline was shut down. 目击者说一股30米黑色油柱象喷泉一样喷向天空,在关闭管道被关闭前持续了25分钟。
Witnesses said officers wearing chemical, biological and radiological protective clothing, were at the scene. 目击者说,现场有身穿生化和辐射防护服的警员。
Witnesses said that the man, Jeff Harvey, 31, entered the Family Discount Pharmacy on Route 10 here near the town limits of Logan, the county seat, shortly after 1 p.m. and immediately fired one of his guns into the air. 目击者称,31岁的杰夫·哈维下午1点刚过走进了位于洛根附近10号公路上的居家优惠药店,并随后朝天开了一枪。
Witnesses said the insurgents launched a rocket-propelled grenade against one of the cars. 目击者说,武装分子朝着其中一辆汽车发射了火箭弹。
Witnesses said the insurgents/militants launched a rocket-propelled grenade against one of the cars. 目击者说,武装分子朝着其中一辆汽车发射了火箭弹。
Witnesses said the plane, operated by Brazilian airline TAM, crashed through a wall and hit a fuel station. 有目击者说,在TAM航线,这架客机先撞上了一座墙,然后冲向燃油站。

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