Plato conjectured each of these elements to be made up of a certain Platonic solid: the element of earth would be a cube, of air an octahedron, of water an icosahedron, and of fire a tetrahedron.
柏拉图推测每一种元素都是由某些理想立方体组成:地元素是由立方体组成,风元素是一个八面体,水元素是二十面体,火元素是四面体。 |
Plato is my friend — Aristotle is my friend — but my greatest friend is truth.
柏拉图是我的朋友—亚里士多德是我的朋友—但我最伟大的朋友是真理。 |
Plato is on the shelf. You'll find that he is a very interesting author.
柏拉图在架子顶上。你会发现,他是一个很有趣的作者。 |
Plato is on the top shelf.It is a very interesting author.
柏拉图在架子顶上。它是一个很有趣的作者。 |
Plato is on the top shelf.It is bound in leather.
柏拉图在架子顶上。它被用皮革装订着。 |
Plato recognized the dilemma of the sick man who, when speaking with his physician, only wants to get well rather than be made a doctor.
很早柏拉图就认识到了这种进退两难的病人,当和他的医生谈话时,他只想如何康复而不帮助医生成功。 |
Plato recorded and embellished the story from Solon's grandson Critias the Younger.
柏拉图从梭仑的孙子,年轻的赛提亚那里记下和修饰了这个故事。 |
Plato stated that the continent lay in the Atlantic Ocean near the Straits of Gibraltar until its destruction 10,000 years previous.
柏拉图声称这块大陆位于大西洋,在直布罗陀海峡附近,直到10,000年前被毁灭。 |
Plato used a series of dialogues to express his ideas.
柏拉图使用了一连串的对话去表达他的思想。 |
Plato viewed justice a good way to construct an ideal state.
摘要为了重建一个理想的国家,柏拉图将正义作为救治的良方。 |
Plato's (Egyptian) legend also holds that Atlantis was peaceful - this is confirmed by a virtually complete absence of weapons in Minoan ruins and in Minoan artwork - unusual for peoples of that time.
柏拉图(埃及人)的传说也认为亚特兰蒂斯是爱好和平的——这从克里特遗址和克里特艺术品上完全没有描绘武器而得到证实——对当时的人来说是不寻常的。 |