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A residency is aperiod of hospital training for medical school graduates.

A reserved man seldom shows his emotions. 沉默寡言的人 难得表露情感.
A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers , does not show much emotion , and seldom gets excited . 一个矜持的人不大愿意与陌生人交谈,不大受情绪影响,也很少激动。
A reserved section of RAM which is used to pass information from the bootstrap to the kernel. RAM的保留段,用于将信息从引导程序传到内核。
A reservoir's flood control and dispatch are directly related to the safety in flood control and its irrigation efficiency. 摘要水库的防洪调度直接关系到防洪安全及兴利效益的发挥。
A residency is a period of hospital training for medical school graduates. 住院医师培训是指对医学院毕业生进行临床培训的一个阶段。
A residency is aperiod of hospital training for medical school graduates. 一段实习期是指允许医学研究生在医院培训实习的时间。
A residency is generally between 3 and 7 years. 实习期一般在三年到七年之间。
A resident in the community comes to the janitor's room, looking worried. 社区的一位居民神情焦虑地来到门卫室。
A resident of the northeastern Moroccan village of Imzouren,near Al Hoceima,steps over rubble a day after an earthquake killed at least 564 people. 在摩洛哥东北部的荷赛马附近伊姆扎仁村庄,一名当地居民从地震的废墟上走过。一天前的大地震至少造成564人死亡。
A resident writes down It snowswith a broom in Beijing Saturday as the Chinese capital embraces its first snowfall in this winter December 30, 2006. 一位市民用扫帚在地上写下“下雪了”。2006年12月30日,中国首都北京迎来了这个冬季的首场降雪。
A residential move may be necessary to get a better job. 住址的变迁能带来更好的工作机会。

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