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If the sex tapes rumors are true, they will only harshen a rough divorce case.

If the sequence number of a command is identical with the sequence number of a command that has been received before, and the contents of the two commands are identical too, then the receiver shall discard the command; if the sequence numbers of two comma 如果命令的序列号和以前接收到的命令的序列号相同,且命令内容也相同,则接收方丢弃该命令;如果序列号相同,但是命令内容并不相同,则命令接收方在应答中返回错误码。
If the serial interface is configured with another encapsulation protocol, and the encapsulation must be changed back to HDLC, enter the interface configuration mode of the serial interface. 如果该串列介面被组态成其他的封装协定,必须输入该串列介面的介面组态方式,将封装方法改回高阶资料连结控制。
If the serpent bites before it is charmed, then there is no advantage in a charmer. 11未行法术以先,蛇若咬人,后行法术就无益了。
If the server is currently busy, please try again later. 如果服务器暂时繁忙,请稍候再试。
If the service is to shut down cleanly, we need a way to signal the waiting socket to shut down. 如果我们要完全地关闭这个服务,则我们需要一种方法来通知这个监听套接字让其也关闭。
If the sex tapes rumors are true, they will only harshen a rough divorce case. 如果谣言是真的,这二人要面临一场离婚恶战了。
If the share is at its face value it is said to be at par. 如果股票的市价与面值相等则称为持平。
If the shareholders' committee or the board of directors, in violation of the previous Paragraph, distributes profit to the shareholders before covering company losses and making allocation to company statutory reserve fund and statutory welfare fund, 股东会或者董事会违反前款规定,在公司弥补亏损和提取法定公积金、法定公益金之前向股东分配利润的,必须将违反规定分配的利润退还公司。
If the sheets aren't aired properly, they won't be dry; put them in the airing cupboard. 被单晒得不够是不会干的。把它们放在烘衣柜里吧。
If the ship encountered wind force eight, it should make for port. 如果船遇到8级大风,就应当返回港口。
If the ship had left at noon, it would be passing through the canal now. 船要是在中午启航的话,此刻该在通过隧道了。

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