What about your title?Is stone or firearms?Is Iron Age?
您这题目的年代为何?是上起石器,下至火器?还是指铁器时代? |
What about your trip next week?
你下星期的旅行怎么样了? |
What about your typing speed?
你的打字速度如何? |
What about your work experience?
请问你的工作经历? |
What accessories should be checked for when taking off windows and curtain wall?
在取下窗户或幕墙的时候,需要检查哪些附件? |
What accomplishment are you most proud of?
你有什么最值得你骄傲的成就? |
What accounts for the transformation of TVEs and the growth of the private sector in the 1990s?
如何解释九0年代乡镇企业的转型与私人部门的成长? |
What accounts for this tremendous performance?
是什么造就了这种杰出表现? |
What action may the tenant take to recover the amount owed?
房客可采取何种行动追索欠款? |
What activities do you want to support?
你希望支持什么活动? |
What activities should the program committee oversee?
节目委员会应督导什麽活动? |