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Results showed that unilateral transection of the middle midbrain above the ventral tegmentum did not block the synchronized bursts on both sides; however, the synchronized bursts disappeared after unilateral transection through the middle of the medial h

Results showed that the only intact basement membrane complex was found on the luminal surface of the ECM derived from the urinary bladder and that the basement membrane was an effective barrier to penetration of the scaffold by the seeded cells. 结果显示,只有从膀胱组织中提取的ECM支架表面基底膜复合物具有完整的结构,而且这种基底膜能够有效阻止种子细胞对支架的穿透作用。
Results showed that the spectra in frequency domain could be divided into two parts: high frequency and low frequency signals. 结果表明,测量光谱在频域中的信号可被分为两部分:即低频信号和高频信号。
Results showed that the temperature distribution of the traditional embankment was asymmetrical; the asymmetrical status was changed after ripped-rock revetment was installed and the soil under the ripped-rock was cooled obviously; the ripped-rock revetme 结果表明:普通路基的阴阳坡两侧温度分布极不对称;铺设抛石护坡后,这种状况得到了很大改善,并且抛石护坡下土体温度明显降低;抛石护坡能够降低路基温度和调节路基阴阳坡的温度差异;抛石护坡是多年冻土区防治路基融沉和纵向裂缝病害的一种可行措施。
Results showed that the yield of D. nipponica was high after the fruitage ripeness term in autumn or before the scourge-end term in spring; the content of diosgenin in the 2-year-old plant rhizome reached the standard of Pharmacopoeia of People's Repubilc 结果表明,于秋季果熟期之后或春季鞭梢子期之前采收,穿龙薯蓣的产量均较高;5月采集的穿龙薯蓣根茎中薯蓣皂苷元含量最高;2年生穿龙薯蓣根茎中的薯蓣皂苷元含量即可达到《中国药典》标准,而3年生和4年生穿龙薯蓣根茎中薯蓣皂苷元的含量远高于2年生穿龙薯蓣。
Results showed that there was obvious difference in pathogenicity among those tested isolates that could produce different types of disease spots in their size, shape and color on the same inoculation host. 结果表明,不同菌株在相同寄主上能产生不同类型的病斑,其病斑大小、形状、颜色存在较大差异。
Results showed that unilateral transection of the middle midbrain above the ventral tegmentum did not block the synchronized bursts on both sides; however, the synchronized bursts disappeared after unilateral transection through the middle of the medial h 结果显示:在腹侧被盖以上横向切断单侧中脑中部,不能阻断双侧催产素神经元的同步化爆发放电;但是单侧下丘脑中间内侧部横切则可阻断这种同步化爆发放电。
Results showed this catalyst has high catalytic activity and stability. 实验表明,这种固载催化剂催化活性高,重复使用性能好。
Results stroke and ECP may bring change of blood perfusion flow of brain. 结果缺血和体外反搏都引起脑动脉血流的变化。
Results suggest that the inferential value of an external audit report is highly sensitive to external auditor reporting bias, but relatively insensitive to reporting veracity. 结果表明,外部审计报告的推断位与外部审计师的报告偏差高度敏感,但与报告诚实度相对不敏感。
Results the oxygen partial pressure and calcium ion concentration of the acupoints were higher than those of their corresponding non-acupoints. 结果:穴位的钙离子浓度和氧分压在整个监测过程中都高于非穴位,差异均有显著性意义。
Results there was normal bacterium growth in the control while there was normal bacterium growth in 41 cases and abnormal bacterium growth in 11 cases in the patients with chronic pharyngitis in which 6 cases with Haemophilus parainfluenzae, 2 cases with 56例慢性咽炎患者中,报告正常菌群生长41例,11例出现细菌学异常,其中副流感嗜血杆菌6例,肺炎链球菌2例,流感嗜血杆菌2例,肺炎克雷伯杆菌生长1例。

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