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Mr. Muldoon was born in Northern Ireland, near the village of Moy.

Mr. Miller searched every room in the house. 米勒先生搜查了这栋房子里的所有房间。
Mr. Moore's on the other line right now, can you hold? 穆尔先生现在正在接另一个电话,您能稍等一下吗?(注:指暂时别挂断电话。)
Mr. Morgan, what do you think is the most important thing in doing business today? 摩根先生,您认为今天做生意中最重要的是什么?
Mr. Morgan: Oh, Frank, you can have that one. It's three years expired. 哦,弗兰克,那个你就拿着吧。它都过期三年了。
Mr. Mott always fills his pockets with all kinds of things. 莫特先生总是把他的衣袋塞得满满的。
Mr. Muldoon was born in Northern Ireland, near the village of Moy. 马尔登先生出生在北爱尔兰的摩伊村附近。
Mr. Nakayama knows the ins and outs of mechanical engineering. 中山先生精通机械工程学的里里外外。
Mr. Negroponte leaves Sudan for Chad Monday. He will also visit Libya and Mauritania. 于周一离开苏丹前往乍得,他还将访问利比亚和毛利塔利亚。
Mr. Neil QM Corp Sales Manager. 楼主的文章系QM公司的销售总经理的文章。
Mr. Nixon have the floor. 尼克松先生发言。
Mr. Nixon said, we two countries have common interests over and above our differences. 尼克松先生说:“我们两国出了有分歧,也有共同利益。”

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