THE personal computer spawned a new industry.
个人电脑创造了一个产业。 |
THE pleasure of reading a classic detective story comes from the way that the sleuth puts together several clues to arrive at a surprising conclusion.
阅读经典侦探小说之乐趣在于侦探结合许多线索得出一个出惊人结论的方式。 |
THE plight of the Palestinians goes from bad to worse.
巴勒斯坦的局势越来越恶化。 |
THE population of bugs in a Petri dish typically increases in an S-shaped curve.
细菌培养皿里面的细菌数量呈典型的S曲线分布。 |
THE powerful typhoon Sepat hammered into south-eastern China early today after officials had relocated nearly a million people to safer areas.
在中国政府官员将当地百万群众移居到安全地带后,强大的台风“圣帕”今天早上重悉中国东南部。 |
THE pressure for political action on climate change has never lookedstronger.
人无压力轻飘飘,对于控制气候变化也是如此。 |
THE prospects for wave power have risen and fallen, appropriately enough, for years.
多少年来,海浪能的利用前景始终沉浮不定。 |
THE reaction was swift, furious and unanimous.
各国对朝鲜核试验的反应是迅速、激烈及明确的。 |
THE reader may rest satisfied that Tom's and Huck's windfall made a mighty stir in the poor little village of St. Petersburg.
汤姆和哈克两人意外地发了横财,这下轰动了圣彼得堡这个穷乡僻壤的小村镇。 |
THE romantic image of the trusty postman, delivering letters to the farthest-flung corners of the land, makes the reform of postal services a sensitive subject.
可信赖的邮政人的浪漫的想象是,把信送到世界的每一个角落,使邮政服务的改革成为一个有意义的项目。 |
THE school of Japan-watchers that keeps an eye on the country's economy chiefly out of a morbid interest in terminal decline has stopped dwindling.
一直以来主要出于狂热兴趣关注日本经济的日本观察者群体,成员在末期连续的减少后,现在已经停止减少了。 |