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However, in infancy, breastfeeding was consistently related to lower concentrations of blood sugar and insulin than was formula feeding.

However, in an emergency, they are able to leave the car from the normal buckled position within the five seconds stipulated by the regulations, because all the individual belts can be released with a single twist of the hand. 不过在紧急情况下,根据规则规定,他们还是可以在五秒钟之内通过正常的上扣位置离开赛车,因为所有单独的安全带都可以用手转动一下就可解开。
However, in case construction is still not commenced or finished upon expiration of the postponed period, thus making the building license invalid, additional land value tax will be levied for the period computed from expiration of the time limit for cons 但展期后仍逾期不开工或逾期未完工致建造执照作废者,追溯自其超出限期建筑使用期限当年期起至开工建筑当年期止,依该规定加徵地价税。
However, in contemporary time, hearing factualism is not only limited by the institutional environment, but also challenged by biological intelligence. 但是,听证事实主义在当代,既有制度环境上的局限,也有来自生物智能的挑战。
However, in cotton and other natural fabrics preferred by all but the poorest consumers - Brazil can produce competitively, says Mr Mosca. 但莫斯卡先生表示,除了最贫穷的消费者之外,一般消费者都比较喜欢棉布和其他天然纤维,而巴西在这些领域的生产是有竞争力的。
However, in fact, zero skew or minimal skew approaches may be sensitive to process variations. 然而,事实上,零时序差异或者是最小时序差异演算法所得到的时钟树,其时序对制程变异非常敏感。
However, in infancy, breastfeeding was consistently related to lower concentrations of blood sugar and insulin than was formula feeding. 然而,在婴儿期,母乳喂养却始终和较低的血糖浓度联系在一起。
However, in its process of development, China's convention and exhibition industry has encountered some undeniable problems, such as fraudulence, overlapping and redundancy, IPR infringement, deficiencies in the management system, lack of legal regulation 但同时,当前我国的会展业发展中也出现了一些不容忽视的问题,比如:骗展、重复展和侵权现象时有发生,管理体制不顺,缺乏法律规范,展馆建设过热,市场竞争无序,行业组织建设滞后等等。
However, in many states, the juvenile court is usually required to destroy the juvenile's court records when the juvenile reaches legal age. 在许多州,当未成年人达到法定年龄时,(根据法律)少年法庭通常会销毁未成年人的判决纪录。
However, in my opinion one can discard all these irrelevant trappings that accompany Valentine's Day. 然而,依我之见,人们可以舍弃所有这些不相干的情人节束缚。
However, in my opinion, experience is a more important factor to be considered in order for one to be competent on this position. 但是就我个人看法,我觉得想要胜任这个职位,经验还是最重要的.
However, in no case shall an action be brought after six years from the date of the incident which caused the damage. 然而,在任何情况下,不得在引起损害的事件发生之日起六年之后提出诉讼。

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