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The plan aims for every Hong Kong citizen to be biliterate and trilingual - competent in reading and writing Chinese and English, and fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua and English.

The plaintiff won the case because the other party didn't appear in court. 因为对方不出庭,原告人胜诉了。
The plaintiffs are confronted with many hurdles. 但原告却面临重重关卡。
The plaintiffs had argued that the government failed to rescue them immediately after the war, and did not help them reintegrate into Japanese society once they returned in the 1970s. 诉讼人表示,政府在战争结束之后没有及时把他们救出,在他们1970年代返回日本之后也没有帮助他们重新融入社会。
The plaintiffs, who had sought to block the city from funding the annual extravaganza, said they plan to appeal the ruling. 原告本希望能阻止政府资助这个一年一度的盛会。现在,他们表示上诉。
The plan [for compensated emancipation] is proposed as permanent constitutional law. 我建议将此“补偿解放计划”定为永久地宪法法律。
The plan aims for every Hong Kong citizen to be biliterate and trilingual - competent in reading and writing Chinese and English, and fluent in Cantonese, Putonghua and English. 该计划旨在提高市民两文三语的能力,提升他们中英文的读写能力和广东话、普通话及英语的听讲能力。
The plan also calls for the government to stockpile vaccines and anti-viral drugs, and try to detect any flu outbreak early. 这项方案还要求政府储备疫苗和抗病毒药品,并且努力及早发现任何疫情爆发。
The plan also included ideas for dealing with terrorism and for establishing new rules on when to use military force. 这份改革计划还包括处理恐怖主义的办法以及建立新的何时动用武装力量的制度。
The plan also takes advantage of natural land formations, such as hills or pools, or alters them. 方案中自然的地形的因素也十分重要,比如山地或者水面,要充分利用或者改造它们。
The plan and the construction of Yangshan deep-water port, Lingang town, Donghai bridge, HuWei and Lianggang express way and Pudong railway, which all converges and interactive in Linggang industrial Zone, has laid a solid foundation for the building of a 洋山深水港,临港新城,东海大桥,沪芦高速,两港高速,浦东铁路的先行规划开发和建设,全部汇集于临港产业区,形成了港,城,区,路,联动发展的趋势,已经为建设世界大型现代装备制造园区,现代物流园区,现代高科技园区和临港新城区打下坚实的基础。
The plan builds on work that Mayor Bloomberg has already put in train. 这一方案是以布隆伯格市长已经开展的一些工作为基础的。

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