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He whetted his knife on the stone.

He whammed the ball into the back of the net. 他一用力把球打到球网的後面去了.
He wheeled his bike through the narrow lane. 他推着自行车穿过狭窄的巷子。
He wheeled his motorcycle into the street. 他把摩托车推到街上。
He wheeled in his pacing paused and glared at his plate. There was a suspenseful silence. what is this?he was reaching for my poem. 他走着走着转过身停了下来,盯着他的餐盘。屋里静悄悄的,我的心悬了起来。“这是什么?”他伸手去拿我的诗。
He wheeled round at the sound of his name. 他一听到自己的名字就迅速转过身去。
He whetted his knife on the stone. 他在石头上磨刀。
He whipped a piece of paper out of his pocket and waved it in our faces. 他突然从口袋里取出一张纸,在我们面前挥动着。
He whipped off his coat. 他迅速地脱下外衣。
He whipped off his jacket. 他迅速脱去夹克。
He whipped the horse to trot; He hoped he could visit the village soon. 他希望可以再次很快拜访那个村庄。
He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。

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