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Secret of success is to be like a duck smooth and unruffled on top,but padding furiously underneath.

Secret agent James Bond has chased the world's most dangerous villains in everything from cars to spaceships, but in his latest adventure, his vehicle of choice will be a bulldozer. 神探詹姆士-邦德追逐敌人时乘坐了从汽车到太空船的各类交通工具,但在最新拍摄的007电影里,一辆推土机将成为邦德在电影开场中的坐骑。
Secret ballot can prevent election fraud. But at some point the benefits of some type of verifiable ballot may outweigh the disadvantages of potential vote buying. 无记名投票可以防止选举作弊。记名投票可能会招致贿选的弊病,但有时候会带来其它好处。
Secret enemies will be eager to spread rumors about you. 白羊座:暗处的敌人将迫切地到处传播你的谣言。
Secret memorials were confidential documents submitted by Ming subjects to the emperor. 摘要密疏是时代臣民上呈给皇帝的一种秘密上行文书。
Secret of success is to be like a duck smooth and unruffled on top, but paddling furiously underneath. 成功的秘诀就像鸭子──上半身平静安稳,下半身拼命划水。
Secret of success is to be like a duck smooth and unruffled on top,but padding furiously underneath. 成功的秘诀就像鸭子──上半身平静安稳,下半身拼命划水。
Secret to happiness is to make a life about giving. 幸福的秘诀就是在生命中为他人做出奉献。
Secretaries drop a company name card can get one complimentary a glass of red wine or a glass of soft drink in Café Plus or Tang Court in 26th April. 4月26日为秘书节,凡在当天光顾加咖啡厅或唐宫的秘书人士只需提供名片,即可获赠红酒或软饮一杯。
Secretary Gates issued the latest verbal salvo in an increasingly fierce power struggle between America's executive and legislative branches of government over the future of U.S. military involvement in Iraq. 在美政府行政和立法部对美军深陷伊拉克战争后何去何从展开力量的激烈斗争逐渐升温之际,美国防部长盖茨公布了最新的一份口头保留条款。
Secretary Gates told a news conference China's rising military spending does not by itself represent a threat, unless it is accompanied by an intention to confront the United States. 盖茨部长在国防部的一个记者会上说,中国不断增长的军事开支本身并不代表威胁,除非这种增长伴随着与美国对抗的意图。
Secretary General Kofi Annan presented a major reform plan in March. 联合国秘书长科菲.安南在三月份宣布了主要的改革计划。

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