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According to the input-output model developed based on the relative data of Beijing for 1989-2000, the contribution ratio of water resources to industrial production is 5.74%.

According to the information released by the Hong Kong University Faculty of Social Sciences Social Sciences Research Centre, the estimated number of marchers is between 105,000 and 120,000 based upon an analysis of photo frames taken at the pedestrian br 港大社会科学院社会科学研究中心透过金钟天桥摄录机拍到的游行队伍画面,统计影像中出现的人数,估计出参与游行人数介乎10.5万至12万人。
According to the informer , a group of drugs will be smuggled in through the border tonight. 据线人报告,今晚他们将有一批毒品走私进关。
According to the ink color evaluation of the water-soluble ink color performance analysis, timely in the production of films for Separation of trichromatic color ink deviation compensation adjustment so that Indian goods to achieve the desired color and d 根据油墨颜色的评价指标对水性油墨的呈色性能进行分析,及时的在制作分色片时对三原色油墨的颜色偏差进行补偿调节,从而使印品达到预期的色调及密度,得到较高的印刷质量。
According to the inner construction of the text of The Doctrine of Mean, this paper has fried to make a phenomenological hermeneutic on the beginning sentences of that classical text. 依循《中庸》自身的现象学文理,本文对《中庸》首章的几句话做了一个现象学解读的尝试。
According to the input of sample set, a function set of multiresolution wavelet node was obtained and the output vectors of each node were computed. 摘要依据训练数据集,构造多分辨率的小波节点库,再根据输入给出小波节点的输出向量。
According to the input-output model developed based on the relative data of Beijing for 1989-2000, the contribution ratio of water resources to industrial production is 5.74%. 利用北京市1989~2000年实际资料建立的模型结果表明北京市水资源对工业生产的贡献率为5.74%。
According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919. 从基石上的铭文来看,这座房子建于1919年。
According to the integrated evaluation results of information industry development level for 12 nations, the development of information industry could be divided into primary stage, secondary stage and advanced stage using the fuzzy clustering method. 通过对信息产业发展阶段特征的综合分析,提出了一套科学的信息产业发展水平评价指标体系,运用层次分析法对评价指标进行综合分析,对国家信息产业发展水平作出了基本评价。
According to the internal character of price control problem, the authors use the related results of exact penalty function and equilibrium complementarities to transform the price control problem with hi-level special property into equivalent single leve 摘要针对价格控制问题具有的内在特点,利用均衡互补及精确罚函数的相关理论,把具有二层特性的价格控制问题转化为与其等价的具有等式和不等式约束的单层数学规划,从而为研究此类问题的最优性条件和求解算法提供一定的依据。
According to the international catering standard, contrapose basic of quality pledge the headquarter unitedly supply exclusive formula and raw material, monitor the operation and dilivery, ensure profit under high quality. 根据国际餐饮连锁标准“五连一锁”的核心,总部针对保证品质的基础部分、独有的配方及特供的原物料等进行统一配送供应,对操作标准及出品要求均有严格的监控机制,确保高品质运作下的稳定获利。
According to the international standard of moderate reserve holdings, China's FER has been obviously excessive in view of either total volume or increment. 根据国际上外汇储备适度规模理论,我国外汇储备无论从总量还是增量来说,都已超出国际公认的常规标准。

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