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“Right. Everyone is outside, so we're safe. No one will tell on us [4] .” Judy was already drawing a house with sure [5] strokes.

“Restaurants and juice stands, because it's considered a delicacy. “餐馆和果汁摊,因为海龟卵被当作一种美食。
“Returns are always difficult,” he said. “We are obviously grateful to those who helped us reach the top in the past, but Juventus must now look to the future. “回归很难,”吉利说。“我们很感激过去帮助我们到达巅峰的球员,但是现在我们正在面向未来。”
“Ricardo Carvalho had surgery to a long-standing shoulder problem yesterday (Thursday). 里卡多-卡瓦罗昨天(周四)的手术解决了长期的肩部问题。
“Right now we are saying if you are able to identify Parkinson's in the early stage, we think this therapy will work. 目前我们说如果能够帕金森症能够在早期确诊,我们认为这种疗法会起作用。
“Right, doctor,” said the patient. “And while you're at it, will you sew this button back on my shirt for me? “好的,医生,”病人说,“另外,您缝的时候,请您帮我把这里纽扣缝回衬衫上好吗?”
“Right. Everyone is outside, so we're safe. No one will tell on us [4] .” Judy was already drawing a house with sure [5] strokes. “对啊,大家都在外面呢,所以我们很安全,没有人会告我们的状的。”朱迪已经开始一笔一划地画房子了。
“Rita follows me everywhere! I had time out today, but she didnt follow me. 妹妹每天都跟在我后面跑的啊。可是今天老师罚我站了,她就跑掉了呢,都不陪我呢,呜呜。。。
“Robert Huth is the same thing. “胡特也是一样。
“Rock me baby, rock me all night long. “摇啊摇,摇我这个小宝宝,一夜到天亮。”
“Rock music,” he says, “is really a sociological expression rather than a musical force. 他说:“摇滚乐与其说是一种音乐力量不如说是一种社会心理的表现。
“Rosen Ritter” has not been entrusted with heavy responsibility due to its ironical history and the background of the troop members. 由于部队的历史及成员的逃亡身份,「蔷薇骑士连」因此一直不被军方重用。

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