Why was the court decision held up?
爲什麽法庭拖延判决? |
Why was the first tunnel not completed?
为什么第1条隧道没有完成? |
Why was the former sheriff in my house?
为什么前警长会出现在我房子里? |
Why was the penalty of death to be given for disobedience to this simple command?
为什么以死亡作为对违背这个简单命令的惩罚呢? |
Why was the presentation so unprofessional?
(为什么这个发言这么没有专业水准?) |
Why was the president late?
为什么主席迟到了? |
Why was the property record known as the Domesday Book under the rule of William?
这个财产记录为什么被称为《末日审判书》? |
Why was there no sense of urgency on the playing field or with in the command system?
为什么在现场内和指挥系统内没有体现紧迫性? |
Why was this medicine in the bottle?
为什麽这种药会装在这个瓶子呢? |
Why was this shortcut for ships needed, and how did the U.S. build one through the jungles of Panama?
为什麽美国必须兴建这条给船通行的捷径呢?美国政府又是如何建造这条穿越巴拿马丛林的运河呢? |
Why wasn't the meeting punctual to start?
会议为什么没有准时开始? |