When this was said, the brahmin householders of Nagaravinda said to the Blessed One: 「Magnificent, Master Gotama! |
中文意思: 世尊宣说至此,婆罗门在家长者们赞叹:「伟大的领导者,乔达摩! |
When this super-contemplative state is reached, the Yogi acquires pure spiritual realization through the balanced quiet of the chitta (or mind stuff).
当深入冥想无限扩展,瑜伽修行者以此纯意识的显现而得以灵性轻安(真我显现)。 |
When this transportation system goes awry in the parts of the brain affected in Huntington's disease, motor skills, cognitie skills and een speech can be affected.
这种转运系统出现错误并累及到亨廷顿疾病患者的脑部,使其运动能力,认知能力甚至言语受损。 |
When this transportation system goes awry in the parts of the brain affected in Huntington's disease, motor skills, cognitive skills and even speech can be affected.
这种转运系统出现错误并累及到亨廷顿疾病患者的脑部,使其运动能力,认知能力甚至言语受损。 |
When this was done (presumably sometime after the election), controls co9uld be lifted, and a fixed rate of exchange with other currencies, based on a fixed price of gold, could be restored.
这个问题解决后就可以取消价格限制,并重新开始根据固定的黄金价格确定美元与其他货币之间的固定汇率。 |
When this was said, one of the monks said to the Blessed One, Lord, what was the cause, what was the reason, why Suppabuddha the leper was such a poor, miserable wretch of a person?
言毕,一比丘对薄伽梵说:“世尊,是什么原因、是什么理由,麻疯病者苏巴菩达何以如此贫穷、悲惨、潦倒?” |
When this was said, the brahmin householders of Nagaravinda said to the Blessed One: 「Magnificent, Master Gotama!
世尊宣说至此,婆罗门在家长者们赞叹:「伟大的领导者,乔达摩! |
When those didn't work, the Yankees instead scrapped batting practice altogether Wednesday.
当这些事情都没有效果,星期三洋基乾脆将打击练习取消了。 |
When those methods fail to stop bleeding, the obstetrician often considers a cesarean hysterectomy.
对于结扎血管无效者或运行上有困难者大部份的医师会考虑切除子宫。 |
When those people avoid such pains brought by such things as marriage, bringing up child, proffessional achiievements and self-improvement, and so on, they will surely loss that most valuable emotion, happiness.
当一些人避免了由诸如婚姻,育子,学术成就,自我完善等等所带来的痛苦时,他们实在地失去了最有价值的情感,幸福。 |
When thou art departed from me to day, then thou shalt find two men by Rachel's sepulchre in the border of Benjamin at Zelzah; and they will say unto thee, The asses which thou wentest to seek are found: and, lo, thy father hath left the care of the asses
撒上10:2你今日与我离别之后、在便雅悯境内的泄撒、靠近拉结的坟墓、要遇见两个人、他们必对你说、你去找的那几头驴已经找著了.现在你父亲不为驴挂心、反为你担忧、说、我为儿子怎麽才好呢。 |
When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it.
10你临近一座城,要攻打的时候,先要对城里的民宣告和睦的话。 |