He and some pals operated the school's radio station, and each week they'd dispense corny jokes and trivial talk of school events.
他和一些夥伴主持学校的广播电台,每个星期他们都会说些有关学校活动的笑话与八卦。 |
He and the bosses head red.
他和老板争得面红耳赤。 |
He and the local got out to examine their bent fenders.
两人都从车中出来,以检查一下各自被撞弯了的挡泥板。 |
He and the policeman took me to a lift and we went down many floors.
他和那个警察把我带上电梯,往下走了很多层。 |
He and the princess fall in love.
他和公主恋爱了。 |
He animated his conversation with references to ancient parables, guided his decision-making by looking to historical precedence and was obviously slightly out of step with contemporary Beijing's go-go aesthetic.
他和人说起话来常常引经据典,作决定时又很注意借鉴历史经验,这与北京时下流行的美学标准显然有些不合拍。 |
He announced formation of his exploratory committee on Tuesday.
他宣布周二组建他的竞选委员会。 |
He announced his decision at a hearing in the U.S. war crimes tribunal at the base.
他是在关他纳摩军事法庭的听证会上作出他的决定的。 |
He announced that France might again flout the euroarea stability pact's restrictions on budget deficits, and repeated his previous complaints about the strength of the euro and the tight monetary policy of the European Central Bank.
会中他宣布法国可能会再次违反欧元区稳定协议中关于限制财政赤字的规定,同时重复了他之前对欧元坚挺和欧洲央行对于紧缩性货币政策的不满。 |
He announced that he would pay his debts.
他宣布他将偿还债务。 |
He announced this week that he would have to lay off several paid campaign staff and may consider accepting public funding, which comes with tight spending limits.
本周他宣布,由于资金吃紧,他不得不辞掉几个需要支付工资的竞选专员,并可能会考虑接受公共捐赠。 |