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B: It better not be just 'cuz he looks like Leon Lee. Marriage is more than a fling with a movie-star look-alike.

B: Is there anything valuable in it? 里面有什么重要的东西吗?
B: Is this from our last shipment ? 这是上次叫的货吗?
B: Is this where you live? 这就是你住的地方?
B: Isn't it complicated to apply for a free mailbox? 申请免费邮箱很复杂吗?
B: It better not be David. I don't want to lose another friend to the death of love. 马克:最好别是大卫。我不想再有一个朋友掉进爱情的坟墓。
B: It better not be just 'cuz he looks like Leon Lee. Marriage is more than a fling with a movie-star look-alike. 马克:最好不是只因为他长得象黎明。婚姻可比和个电影明星脸随便玩玩神圣多了。
B: It brings people to the theaters, so it probably won't change anytime soon. 可是这样才有观众,所以短时间之内大概不会有什么改变。
B: It costs money, dear. What's wrong with the regular television stations? 亲爱的,那可很贵呢。一般的电视台有什么不好?
B: It does matter. You know how she talks to everybody and their brother! Now the whole town will be asking me for money! 怎么会不要紧!你是知道她的,她会告诉所有的人和他们的兄弟!现在全城的人都要向我借钱了!
B: It fall on a Friday this year so we can take her out after work. 她今年的生日是星期五,所以下班后我们可以带她出去玩。
B: It gives me great satisfaction. 它能给我莫大的满足。

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