According to the latest survey, money collected annually has reached as much as about $1,000,000,000, which can help 3 million children finish their primary school. |
中文意思: 如果没有这些帮助,那么这些孩子将永远无法得到宝贵的知识,永远生活在黑暗之中。 |
According to the latest census, our population has increased.
根据最近调查,我国的人口有增加。 |
According to the latest census, our population has increased.
根据最近的人口调查,我们的人口增加了。 |
According to the latest researches, this Paper elaborated the relationship between citrus and sunlight, temperature, precipitation, humus, soil element, soil pH, soil texture and structure, soil microorganism and topography.
由此得出,柑橘类果树的个体发育和系统发育是自身遗传背景与外部生态因子相互作用、相互适应的结果。 |
According to the latest statistics from Shanghai customs, the European Union has become Shanghai's biggest export market and import source.
根据上海海关的统计,欧盟目前已成为上海最大的出口市场。 |
According to the latest survey many briton suffer from heart disease.
据最近调查显示,许多英国人患心脏病。 |
According to the latest survey, money collected annually has reached as much as about $1,000,000,000, which can help 3 million children finish their primary school.
如果没有这些帮助,那么这些孩子将永远无法得到宝贵的知识,永远生活在黑暗之中。 |
According to the law of mass moment of inertia and of momentum moment, the conditions for the complete dynamic balance of rotor inertial forces and moment of inertia in the rotary piston vacuum pump are put forward, with the rotor movement in single cylin
根据质量矩定理和动量矩定理对单缸滑阀真空泵的转子运动状况进行了分析,分别提出了转子惯性力和惯性力矩完全动平衡的条件。 |
According to the law the accuser, the accused, and the judge were each allowed to talk for the same length of time.
按照法律,控方、被告及法官每个人都被允许以等长的时间发言。 |
According to the law, residents' committees are organizations of “mass self-government”.
依据法律的规定,居委会是“群众性自治”组织。 |
According to the law, the purchasers enjoy the rights of housing reform and late spouse seniority discount.
依照法律政策,购房人享有房改购房权、工龄折扣权、已故配偶工龄折扣权。 |
According to the laws and regulations of the state and Shanghai, Party A shall withhold the endowment insurance, medical care insurance, unemployment insurance and public accumulation for housing construction for Party B.
根据中华人民共和国及上海市政府的法律、法规,由乙方支付的养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险及住房公积金等社会保险、福利费用,也将由甲方根据有关法律、法规的规定代为扣缴。 |