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Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

Yet despite these far-fetched plots, what makes King's stories so effective is that he manages to make what he writes believable. 这些情节虽然脱离现实,然其故事之所以动人就在于他成功地让作品具有信服力。
Yet despite this, Confucianism is not an easy fit for the party. 尽管如此,对共产党而言,儒家思想也并不十分“合身”。
Yet did the physician, in his dark way, creep frightfully near the secret. 不过,医生以他那不为人知的手段,已经可怕地爬近了秘密。
Yet digital downloads of all types of media will be demanded by some customers—perhaps too many to ignore. 然而有些客户需要下载所有形式的媒体——也许不能忽视这部分群体。
Yet diplomacy also plays a role in Beijing's choice of suppliers, just as it does with Chinese purchases of commercial aircraft. 当然,外交因素也是北京决定订单给谁的原因之一,就像中国的飞机采购一样。
Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother. 帖后3:15但不要以他为仇人、要劝他如弟兄。
Yet domestic demand in places like Germany and Japan needs to pick up quite a bit more yet, if America's overstretched consumers trim back. 而且像德国和日本这些国家的国内需求需要更大程度的提高才能抵消美国消费者支出的减少。
Yet each couple follows the traditions in a way that is uniquely their own. 然而每对新人都会以自己独持的方式来继承传统。
Yet earlier this year the EPA began a pilot program of “voluntary disclosure” to urge companies to offer up more ingredient information to doctors and toxicologists, notes Cameo Smoot of the EPA Office of Pesticide Programs. 不过美国环保署农药专案计画室的史慕特表示,环保署于今年初开始试办一项「自愿公开」计画,鼓励厂商提供更多关于成份的资讯给医师和毒物学家。
Yet effective treatments for severe itching are limited. 然而,对严重瘙痒有效的治疗是有限的。
Yet effective treatments for severe itching are limited.This is partly because scientists have traditionally thought that an itch was a less intense form of pain. 至今,治疗严重瘙痒的有效疗法还是有限的.部分原因是因为科学家们一贯认为瘙痒是疼痛的一种低强度的表现形式。

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