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Now researchers have found a way to reactivate programmed cell death and thereby treat cancer.

Now reform of non-tradable shares has approaching an end entered a stage, but there is no enough power for the later stage of reform of non-tradable shares. 现在股权分置改革已经进入尾声阶段,但是股权分置改革后期发展的动力有些不足。
Now reform your ways and your actions and obey the LORD your God. Then the LORD will relent and not bring the disaster he has pronounced against you. 13现在要改正你们的行动作为,听从耶和华你们神的话,他就必后悔,不将所说的灾祸降与你们。
Now researchers at the Swiss Tropical Institute have developed the program called malaria control dot net. 目前瑞士热带研究所研究员称已研制出疟疾防治计划的网点。
Now researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have created the first transistors that electrically control molecules instead. 现在,美国加州大学柏克莱分校的研究人员首先制作出以电子方式控制分子的电晶体。
Now researchers have discovered that fermenting beans with two strands of common bacteria free up many more nutrients and make the legumes easier to digest. 现在,研究人员已经发现,拥有两串普通细菌发酵大豆,可以释放更多的营养,使豆类更易于消化。
Now researchers have found a way to reactivate programmed cell death and thereby treat cancer. 最近,科学家找到了一种可以重新激活癌细胞程序性死亡的方法,从而就有希望治疗癌症。
Now researchers have uncovered a trick that gives viruses an edge in this race against time. 现在研究人员有一个方法让不同的病毒在不同的时间侵入寄主。
Now researchers report that antineutrinos, ghostly particles with tiny masses, might generate these rare ingredients. 近来有研究人员提出,这些罕见成份的来源,可能是质量微小的幽灵粒子──反微中子。
Now researchers suspect that dreams are part of the minds emotional thermostat,regulating moods while the brain is “offline”. 目前,研究人员猜测梦是大脑情感自动调节系统的组成部分,当大脑处于“掉线”状态时对情绪进行调整。
Now researchers think that a single week could be enough. 现在研究人员认为,也许一个星期就够了。
Now researches at the Harvard school of public health in Boston say vitamin D might protect against multiple sclerosis also called MS. 在波士顿,哈佛大学的公共健康研究表明,维他命D有助于防治多发性硬化疾病,也就可简称为MS。

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