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Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization.

Conservative therapy for chronic suppurative otitis media is valuable as a temporary measure in preoperative preparation, in patients unable to receive radical surgical intervention and in prevention of intracranial extension. 摘要慢性中耳炎的保守疗法中,局部治疗优于全身性药物治疗,特别是对于部份不适于手术、暂时不愿意接受手术或术前大量中耳脓液的患者,以避免颅内并发症的生成。
Conservative treatment for this condition is recommended except for frank rupture of the renal pelvis or ureter and formation of a perirenal abscess. 外科医师唯有对此病有所认知,才能早期诊断与治疗并减少不必要的剖腹探查术。
Conservative treatment with good results has been reported for patients who were clinically stable and did not have generalized peritoneal signs. 对于临床症状稳定且没有广泛性腹膜炎的病人有一些文献报告可用保守方式治疗成功。
Conservative treatments with antibiotics were given due to small amount of urinary extravasation on IVU examination. 但再三至四日后病人出现腹痛,发烧,畏冷之症状。
Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization . 英国的保守党政府赞成私人经营而反对国有化.
Conservativegovernments in Britain favour private enterprise rather than nationalization. 英国的保守党政府赞成私人经营而反对国有化.
Conservatively priced at around 100,000 pounds ($190,000), the collection will go on sale in London on September 26. 这些收藏品将于9月26日在伦敦拍卖,预计估价10万英镑。
Conservatively priced at around 100,000 pounds ($190,000),thecollection will go on sale in London on Septr 26. 这些收藏品将于9月26日在伦敦拍卖,预计估价10万英镑。
Conservatively the cognitive function sector, in the growing ageing market (over 50s), has a potential of £2bn annually, while the market for cognitive enhancement for ages 15–50 could be as much as £5bn. 在不断增长的老年人(50岁以上)市场份额中对于增强认知功能产品的需求,保守的估计每年20亿英镑;年龄在15—50人群的市场则能达到50亿英镑。
Conservatives are coalescing around a very different solution—upping America's game by sending more troops to Iraq. 保守派们正形成一个非常不同的解决方案,那就是向伊拉克派遣更多的部队,继续这场美国的游戏。
Conservatives are pressing the South Korean president, Roh Moo Hyun, to curb South Korean trade, aid and investment programs that funnel hundreds of millions of dollars annually to the cash-starved Communist state. 保守派正想迫使卢武玄总统控制韩国对朝鲜的贸易、援助和投资,这些举动每年让几亿美元漏入这个极度缺乏现金的共产党国家。

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