Article 22 Energy-using units shall improve their quantitative management in respect of energy, and establish a sound system of energy consumption statistics and of energy utilization analysis.
第二十二条用能单位应当加强能源计量管理,健全能源消费统计和能源利用状况分析制度。 |
Article 22 For a jointly operated vocational school or vocational training institution, the collaborators shall conclude a contract for the joint establishment and running of such a school or institution.
第二十二条联合举办职业学校、职业培训机构,举办者应当签订联合办学合同。 |
Article 22 Highway landscaping work will be under the overall planning and implementation of the highway departments.
第二十二条公路绿化工作,由公路主管部门统筹规划并组织实施。 |
Article 22 If a quarantinable infectious disease is caused to spread or is in great danger of being spread as a result of a violation of the provisions of this Law, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with Article 178 of the Crimin
第二十二条违反本法规定,引起检疫传染病传播或者有引起检疫传染病传播严重危险的,依照《中华人民共和国刑法》第一百七十八条的规定追究刑事责任。 |
Article 22 If enterpri and institutions in cities and towns move as a whole from one area where overall planning is conducted to another one, or if the unemployed moves among area where overall planning is conducted, the social insurance credentials are t
第二十二条城镇企业事业单位成建制跨统筹地区转移,失业人员跨统筹地区流动的,失业保险关系随之转迁。 |
Article 22 If enterprises and institutions in cities and towns move as a whole from one area where overall planning is conducted to another one, or if the unemployed moves among area where overall planning is conducted, the social insurance credentials ar
第二十二条城镇企业事业单位成建制跨统筹地区转移,失业人员跨统筹地区流动的,失业保险关系随之转迁。 |
Article 22 If the trustee disposes of the trust property against the purposes of the trust or causes losses to the trust property due to violation of the management duties or improper handling of the trust affairs, the trustor has the right to apply to th
第二十二条受托人违反信托目的处分信托财产或者因违背管理职责、处理信托事务不当致使信托财产受到损失的,委托人有权申请人民法院撤销该处分行为,并有权要求受托人恢复信托财产的原状或者予以赔偿;该信托财产的受让人明知是违反信托目的而接受该财产的,应当予以返还或者予以赔偿。 |
Article 22 If, in the course of mineral exploration or mining, rare geological phenomena or ancient cultural remains of significant scientific and cultural value are discovered, they shall be protected and reported immediately to the relevant departments.
第二十二条勘查、开采矿产资源时,发现具有重大科学文化价值的罕见地质现象以及文化古迹,应当加以保护并及时报告有关部门。 |
Article 22 In a water-eroded region, by taking a small river basin comprising the natural ravines and flanking hill slopes as a unit, a comprehensive system for the prevention and control of soil erosion shall be set up on the basis of overall planning an
第二十二条在水力侵蚀地区,应当以天然沟壑及其两侧山坡地形成的小流域为单元,实行全面规划,综合治理,建立水土流失综合防治体系。 |
Article 22 In applying for a renewal of trademark registration, with respect to each trademark applied for there shall be filed with the Trademark Office one Application for Renewal of Trademark Registration, accompanied by five samples of the trademark,
第二十二条申请商标续展注册的,每一个申请应当向商标局交送《商标续展注册申请书》一份,商标图样五份,交回原《商标注册证》。 |
Article 22 In the case of an animal epidemic of Class II, the animal husbandry and veterinary administrative department under the local people's government at or above the county level shall delimit the epidemic point, the epidemic area and the threatened
第二十二条发生二类动物疫病时,当地县级以上地方人民政府畜牧兽医行政管理部门应当划定疫点、疫区、受威胁区。 |