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He replied, Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end.

He replaced the utensil in a higher set of brackets. 他把烤肉架移到了距离火盆更高的托架上。
He replied the question in English. 他用英语回答了这个问题。
He replied with a smile. 上帝用微笑回答了我。
He replied, Accept these seven lambs from my hand as a witness that I dug this well. 30他说,你要从我手里受这七只母羊羔,作我挖这口井的证据。
He replied, Does this means eternity? 他说:“这样就是永恒吗?”
He replied, Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. 9他说、但以理阿、你只管去、因为这话已经隐藏封闭、直到末时。
He replied, I have been very zealous for the LORD God Almighty. 10他说,我为耶和华万军之神大发热心。
He replied, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 18耶稣对他们说,我曾看见撒但从天上坠落,像闪电一样。
He replied, I'm looking for my brothers. Can you tell me where they are grazing their flocks? 16他说,我找我的哥哥们,求你告诉我,他们在何处放羊。
He replied, If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you. 6主说,你们若有信心像一粒芥菜种,就是对这棵桑树说,你要拔起根来栽在海里,他也必听从你们。
He replied, There is something in there that would frighten you. 他回答说:「里面有会使你感到恐惧的东西。」

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