The price at which the security may be bought is the exercise price or the striking price.
购买证券对确定的价格称为履约价格或者敲定价格。 |
The price at which the taker of an option may buy/sell the underlying securities. Also known as the strike price.
期权合约的获得者买/卖合约规定的基础证券之权利的价格,也称为结算价格。 |
The price below is for each axis.
可以选择3轴(俯仰、横滚、偏航)动态载荷控制。 |
The price control department may impose on the auctioneer a fine that is 100 percent to 500 percent of the commissions.
物价管理部门可以对拍卖人处拍卖佣金一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。 |
The price cut will bring in a whole new group of customers who ruled it out at the higher price, and that Microsoft should enjoy increased sales immediately, some analysts predicted.
部分分析专家认为:价格的削减会在整体上带来新的消费群体,而他们之前因为价格高放弃了此类产品,微软应该对立即增长的销售量比较满意。 |
The price cutting down is good to the industry's development in scale, and break down the little firms to bring back a safe car using of the customers.
配件降价也有利于零配件生产企业的规模化发展,打击假冒伪劣零配件的小工厂、小作坊,确保消费者的用车安全。 |
The price depands on the amount.
价格依数量而定。 |
The price depend on amount.
价格依数量而定。 |
The price depends on quantities.
价格依数量而定。 |
The price depends on quantity.
价格依数量而定。 |
The price depends on the amount.
价格依数量而定。 |