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When groove dry, paint the second time, the second time brushing direction perpendicular direction with bead coating, it would paint uniform.

When governments compete for glory in space, the winners are the contractors and the losers are the taxpayers. 当政府都在为太空中的荣耀而竞争的话,赢家只会是承包商,而受损的是纳税人。
When grace is lost from life, come with a burst of song. 当生命失去恩宠的时候,请赐我以欢歌。
When grandmother died they went into (ie started to wear) mourning. 祖母逝世时他们开始服丧.
When gravity operates over microscopic distances—for instance, at the center of a black hole, where a huge mass is packed into a subatomic volume—the bizarre quantum properties of matter come into play, and string theory describes how the law of gravity c 当重力在微观距离作用时,比如说,在黑洞的中心,极大量的质量被挤进一个次原子的体积中,物质那不寻常的量子性质就会显现出来,而弦论则描述了重力定律在此处如何改变。
When green turtles are ready to breed, they tend to return to the islands where they hatched. 当绿蠵龟准备繁殖的时候,通常都倾向于回到自己孵化的岛屿。
When groove dry, paint the second time, the second time brushing direction perpendicular direction with bead coating, it would paint uniform. 待第一遍干燥后,再刷第二遍,第二遍涂刷方向应与第一遍涂刷方向垂直,这样会使油漆均匀一致。
When guest apologize by saying sorry. Your answer is: That's quite all right.or It doesn't matter.or It's nothing. 当客人向你致歉时,你应回答:没什么。或没什么关系。或算不了什么。
When hackers found the IP of victim, they will choose a port to attack. 黑客在找出被攻击者的IP位址后,会选择一个埠来进行入侵行动。
When haing soup, moe the spoon away from you to spoon out the soup. When a little remains, you may raise slightly the side of the bowl close to you. 用匙舀汤时,匙要从里往外舀。汤快喝完了时,可将汤盘近身一侧抬高一点。
When handling a high explosive substance like nitroglycerin, even the slightest slip up could be fatal. 处理像硝化甘油这种高度爆炸性的物品时,即使是最轻微的过失也可能致命。
When handling solids in suspension, Wedgeplug valves should be installed with the stem vertical. 当处理滞留的固体颗粒时,楔塞阀应该安装成阀杆垂直向上的方式。

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