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Across an endless sea of sand, under an obscured sun, is a corpse-strewn battlefield.

Across Borders--- 超越国界,贡扎加大学法学院主办,全文.
Across China, cacotrophia (malnutrition) occurs mostly in the west, where teenagers do not get enough calories or protein. 在全国范围内,营养不良问题相对集中的是西部,西部青少年的热量、蛋白质摄入不足,而致使营养不良。
Across India prices are rising fast, factories are at full capacity, loans are piling up. 现在,整个印度中,物价飞涨,工厂满负荷运作,信贷不断加剧。
Across Iraq Thursday, there was sporadic but low-level fighting. 整个伊拉克,周四都有零星小规模的战斗。
Across a series of six studies, the authors provide support for a theory of product contagion, in which disgusting products are believed to transfer offensive properties through physical contact with other products, thus influencing evaluations. 通过一系列的六项研究,作者为产品传染理论提供了支持,这个理论认为,厌恶品会通过与其他产品的物理接触,传递令人不愉快的信息,从而影响消费者的评价。
Across an endless sea of sand, under an obscured sun, is a corpse-strewn battlefield. 茫茫沙海,一望无际,乌云蔽日,尸横遍地。
Across both the Arts and the Sciences, Oxford research consistently ranks top both nationally and internationally. 从文至理,牛津大学的研究一直处于全国以及世界领先地位。
Across from the park is an old hotel. 公园的对面是一家旧旅馆。
Across his lap lay the short stock with the long lash which we had noticed during the day. 他的膝盖上蹲着今天我们看到过的拴着长狗带的贬值股票。
Across much of Russia most people get their national news only from television, and Russian television's political coverage dwells largely on the president and his ministers and is almost entirely uncritical. 综观俄罗斯大部分地区,大多数人都只能从电视上获悉他们国家的新闻,而俄罗斯电视台的政治新闻报道大多集中在总统和其部长身上,并且对他们几乎完全不加批判。
Across much of the Muslim world, Ramadan began on Thursday, although Libyans and Nigerians began the fast one day before. 在穆斯林世界,斋月是周四开始的,利比亚和尼日利亚则提前一天开始入斋。

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