Passover and the feast of Unleavened bread were only two days away.
还有两天逾越节和无酵饼的盛宴就来到了. |
Passover starts the Jewish religious calendar.
逾越节是犹太人宗教日历的开端。 |
Passover was the day the Hebrews left Egypt.
逾越节是希伯来人离开埃及的日子。 |
Passport and embarkation card, please.
请出示护照和出入境卡。 |
Passport must be shown at the frontier.
出示护照方可入境。 |
Passport of R.O.C. Taiwan).
中华民国(台湾)有效之护照。 |
Passport to all fitness activities in all Clark Hatch Fitness Centers located in China.
全国连锁会籍,在全中国6个城市中十几家克拉克海奇健身中心都可使用。 |
Passport, valid at least 90 days after expiration of the visa, with a photocopy of the identity page.
护照在要签发的签证有效期后需仍有九十天的有效时间。 |
Passports and certificates which Chinese citizens apply for abroad shall be issued by the Chinese diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies located abroad authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
中国公民在国外申请护照、证件,由中国驻外国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关颁发。 |
Passports for Chinese citizens going abroad for private purposes shall be issued by the Ministry of Public Security or by local public security organs authorized by the ministry.
因私事出境的中国公民所使用的护照由公安部或者公安部授权的地方公安机关颁发。 |
Password Keeper: Password Keeper will be a program that lets you put all of your passwords in one file and encrypt it easily instead of using a flat file.
该软件可将用户的所有密码全部保存在一个文件中并可对这些密码进行加密。 |