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The whole allotment shall be 25, 000 by 25, 000 cubits; you shall set apart the holy allotment, a square, with the property of the city.

The water table is so high at the moment that even small amounts of rainfall could lead to local flooding,a Met éireann spokesman said. “国家气象局的一位发言人说:“这个时刻水位这么高,小小的降雨量也可以导致局部洪水。”
The way to succeed is to double your error rate. 费译:成功的秘诀在于先把错误率翻番。
The way you define yourself as a writer is that you write every time you have a free minute. If you didn't behave that way you would never do anything. 费译:什么样的情况下你可以认为自己是一个写作者?就是你利用任何的空闲时间来写作。如果不能那么做,你就写不了任何东西。
The weather having cleared, he had gone out for a stroll about eleven o'clock. “天气已经清朗起来,他大约11点的时候出去散步。
The west end of the courtyard shall be fifty cubits wide and have curtains, with ten posts and ten bases. 12院子的西面当有帷子,宽五十肘,帷子的柱子十根,带卯的座十个。
The whole allotment shall be 25, 000 by 25, 000 cubits; you shall set apart the holy allotment, a square, with the property of the city. 结48:20你们所献的圣供地、连归城之地、是四方的、长二万五千肘、宽二万五千肘。
The wild donkeys stand on the bare heights; They pant for air like jackals, Their eyes fail For there is no vegetation. 耶14:6野驴站在净光的高处、喘气好像野狗.因为无草、眼目失明。
The wind chimes were a retirement gift for Steve when he left the sanitation department last year. 这些风铃是史蒂夫去年离休时得到的退休礼物.
The wind will sweep away all your shepherds, And your lovers will go into captivity; Then you will surely be ashamed and humiliated Because of all your wickedness. 耶22:22你的牧人要被风吞吃、你所亲爱的必被掳去.那时你必因你一切的恶、抱愧蒙羞。
The wind will tell you,the dragonfly replied. “风会告诉你的,”蜻蜓回答。
The windows of the three rooms open out upon the lawn. “这些房间的窗户开向草坪上方。

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