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The darkne is no darkne with thee.

The darkest hour is nearest dawn. 黎明之前天最黑。
The darkest hour is that before the dawn. 黎明前是最黑暗的时刻。
The darkest place is under the candlestick. 烛台底下最暗。
The darkest region of a sunspot. 太阳黑子中的最黑暗的区域
The darkest thinkers may paradoxically be the most cheering. 也许看似矛盾,但最悲观的思想家却很可能是最能鼓励人的。
The darkne is no darkne with thee. 有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。
The darkness grew 20)apace; a cold wind began to blow in freshening gusts from the east, and the showering white flakes in the air increased in number. 黑暗急速扩张;清冽的冷风由东方一阵阵吹来,空中降下的雪花愈来愈多。
The darkness in your room frightens the child. (你房间的黑暗让孩子害怕。)
The darkness inside the mosque and church made us feel like we were ina basement! 清真寺和教堂里面的黑暗使我们感到有如进入到地下室。
The darkness is absolute. People huddle closer together as it engulfs them, glancing up at the flickering stars for reassurance. 黑暗是绝对的,而就像黑暗要吞没了他们一样,人们卷缩在一起.他们扫了一眼闪耀的星空,稍稍感到一点放心.
The darkness is gathering. 夜色渐浓.

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