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Be kinder than you have to be.

Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. 要互相友爱,存温柔的心,彼此饶恕,就像神在基督里饶恕了你们一样。
Be kind to one another.This is the Golden Rule of marriage and the guard of making love last through the years. 善待彼此,这是婚姻的黄金法则,也是让爱情历经长久的保证。
Be kind to others is to be kind to ourselves. 善待别人,等于善待自己。
Be kind to your mother-in-law, and if necessary pay for her board at some good hotel. 对岳母要亲切,必要时,请她住进一家上好的酒店吧。
Be kind when you speak of the forces of darkness. 是你们谈到黑暗力量的一类。
Be kinder than you have to be. 仁慈,再仁慈一点。
Be knowledgeable about hotel information to answer guest inquiries. 对酒店的情况了如指掌,随时能够回答客人的问询。
Be knowledgeable about your job. Attend all training courses required for your position. 对本身的工作岗位了如指掌。参加所有工作需的培训课程。
Be less hollow words, do more work. 一定要少说空话,多做工作。
Be like inside door work must assemble ventilator, ensure indoor airflow. 如室内工作须装配排风扇,保证室内空气流通。
Be like the promontory against which the waves continually break, but it stands firm and tames the fury of the water around it. 像海角一样,海浪不断扑打,但它傲然挺立,驯服周围狂暴的海水。

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