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Bingham, a Yale alumni, found Machu Picchu in the southern Andes under thick forest in 1911.

Bindingof ligand to receptors causes the emission of a detectable signal whichpinpoints the interacting spots (i.e. which protein did the ligand bindto). 受体结合配排放造成了探测信号针对互动点(即其中蛋白质曾配来约束).
Bing Yang (asker) : 3:05pm Nov 23, 2004 : it is a type of communication among people. 究竟是人与人之间的沟通,还是通信设备之间的通信?元通信可是网络通信术语啊!
Bing professors of psychiatry explained everything. 精神病学教授的身份使一切不言而喻。
Bing water to boil and add salt, sugar, spring onions and ginger. 将开水倒入油中,同时加盐、糖、葱和姜。
Bingchiang Jeng, Wen-Shyong Tzou, Jian-Xun Chen, Linking system dynamics science and systems biology with Machine learning techniques, Bioinformatics In Taiwan, Tainan, 2005. 陈建勋、郑炳强、邹文雄,以混合基因演算法从时间序列资料推估生物系统的动力系数,第九届人工智慧与应用研讨会,台北,2004年。
Bingham, a Yale alumni, found Machu Picchu in the southern Andes under thick forest in 1911. 宾厄姆是耶鲁大学的校友。1911年,他在安第斯山脉南部茂密的森林中发现了马丘比丘。
Bingley did not do justice to his own disposition. 你这样一说,比他自己说更来得光彩啦。”
Bingley was good looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners. 他的姐妹也都是些优美的女性,态度落落大方。
Bingo is an unique interior design company, our experienced designers have the soft touch of exquisite taste in this field. We have confidence to satisfy your need. Please call now! 本公司是个非常有格调的室内设计公司,最主要服务为空间规划。我们精湛的设计必能您的居家美仑美奂。
Bingo is considered a low-risk game and thus poses no threat of economic difficulties of the players. 宾戈游戏被看作是危险性低的赌搏,因而不会给参加者造成经济上的威胁。
Bingo parties and church raffles have developed indo such a hot potato that everyone concerned now is seeking some easy solution. 赌博成风和由教会发起的袖彩义卖已成了一个刺手的问题,现在每一个有关的人都在寻找某种可行的解决办法。

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