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Secondly, tourism is a smokeless industry, will be to promote economic, social and environmental development and employment. Play a positive role in poverty alleviation.

Secondly, this kind of in close combat communication aims at the realization of each party's maximum profit in the process of trading and cooperation. 第二,这种围绕利益斗争的沟通,目的是为了在贸易与合作的过程中实现双方利益的最大化。
Secondly, this new spirit bond IS too weak. 第二:这个新天赋太弱。
Secondly, thou shall not steal. Can you do that? 第二尽形寿不偷盔汝今能持否?
Secondly, three single deck blast vibration signals were analyzed by wavelet packet based on software MATLAB and the change of energy distribution curve at different frequency bands was obtained. 其次,基于MATLAB时爆破振动信号进行小波包分析,得到了爆破振动信号在不同频带上的能量分布图。
Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong . 第二,做家务令你保持健康和强壮。
Secondly, tourism is a smokeless industry, will be to promote economic, social and environmental development and employment. Play a positive role in poverty alleviation. 其次,旅游业这一无烟产业,还将对促进经济、社会、环境协调发展,解决就业,促进扶贫发挥积极作用。
Secondly, use your own head and present your point of view. 第二,动脑筋提出自己的见解。
Secondly, we attempt to define and expound the concept of fuzzy metadata by using fuzzy theory as the theoretical model. 接著,阐述模糊诠释资料,并以模糊理论模型解释其意涵。
Secondly, we should grasp rhythm correctly with the sense of collectivity. 其次,要准确把握节奏,演奏中要有集体的节奏感。
Secondly, we should handle dialectically the relations between drawing lessons from the others and blazing new trails, drawing lessons critically from studying fruits of Western historains, and through this, to decide for ourselves to open up the new pros 其二是辩证处理借鉴与创新的关系,在批判借鉴西方史学成果的基础上,开拓出自主学术创新的局面。
Secondly, what is the way of the development of all the beings? 二、万有存在的和谐发展路径各是什麽?

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