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Please do not interfere in my private affairs.

Please do not forget I will love you forever and be loyal to you as always. 请你永远不要忘记,我只会一辈子爱著你,忠心陪伴你的左右.
Please do not hesitate contacting us if you require further information. 如果您想了解更多内容敬请联络我们。
Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions or difficulties in filling out these forms.We are very glad to be at your service. 如果您在填写表格时有疑问或困难请找乘务员,我们很高兴为大家服务。
Please do not hold any writer except the script-writer responsible for anything in a film. 除了电影脚本的作者,请不要认为有任何作者可以对电影中的任何东西负责。
Please do not hotlink, as that eats up bandwidth. 请不要直接连接到图画本身﹐因为那样很耗频宽。
Please do not interfere in my private affairs. 请不要干涉我的私事。
Please do not leave any word spaces in [] when using the instruction. (使用指令时,[]内的文字请勿留空位。)
Please do not loiter in one street after school. 放学后,请不要在街头徘徊。
Please do not remove corals from the sea. 请不要把海里的珊瑚移走!
Please do not sit or stand in places that will interfere with the location's customers or staff. 请不要站立或坐在会干扰区域内顾客和工作人员的地方。
Please do not stay in any room of the opposite sex after 23:00 at night. 团员于晚间十1点晚点名后,不得逗留于异性房间内或外出.

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