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He has the faculty to learn languages easily.

He has the ability to do the work. 他有能力做那件工作。
He has the advantage of a steady job. 他有工作稳定的有利条件。
He has the advantage of wealth. 他有财富的优势。
He has the capacity to understand and therefore perform the will of God (1 Corinthians 11:7). 所以人有了解神的能力并以此完成神的意愿。
He has the eye of a painter. 他有画家的鉴赏力。
He has the faculty to learn languages easily. 他具有学习语言的才能。
He has the gift of prophecy. 他有预言的天赋。
He has the habit of burning the midnight oil before tests. 考试前他有挑灯夜战的习惯。
He has the honour of attending upon the Prince. 他很荣幸能侍候王子。
He has the impudence to take things behind my back! 他背著我拿东西真不害臊!
He has the inside track in the election because his father was so well known and admired. 他在竞选中处于有利地位,因为他父亲非常出名而又受人钦佩。

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