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1 No construction work in relation to the Project shall occur outside the designated site boundary as shown in Drawing No.1.

1 My mother has killed me, My father is eating me, My brothers and sisters sit under the table, Picking up my bones, And they bury them under the cold marble stones. 我的母亲杀死我,我的父亲正在吃我,我的兄弟和姊妹坐在桌子旁,拾起我的骨头,在寒冷的大理石的石头之下埋葬它们。
1 Name the champion (will be responsible for completing CAR). 填写负责此事件主要领队名字(此人将负责完成CAR)。
1 Nature does not care about what we call it,she just keeps on doing it. 我们按照我们自己的方式理解自然,而自然呢,她在乎被理解吗?
1 Neither party of the talks held out much hope for a final peaceful settlement. 谈判双方都不对最终和平解决问题抱以多大希望。
1 Newcastle continued their unbroken home win record this season at St. James's Park on Saturday when they beat Leeds 2-1. 上周六在圣詹姆斯体育场以2:1击败利兹后,纽卡斯尔延续了本赛季连续未被打破的主场获胜纪录。
1 No construction work in relation to the Project shall occur outside the designated site boundary as shown in Drawing No.1. 与工程项目相关的建造工程,不得在第1号图则显示的指定工地界线外进行。
1 No excavation shall be carried out where rare tree species Acmena acuminatissima and the protected tree Tutcheria championii are located, as shown in Figure 2 of this Environmental Permit. 挖掘工程不得于稀有树木品种俏蒲桃和受保护树木石笔木的地方(见环境许可证的图2)进行。
1 Normal activity level for age andd circumstances. The child is neither more active nor less active than a normal child of the same age in a similar situation. 正常活动量,和年龄、情境相仿。和同龄孩子处于同样情境相比,不表现过多或过少的活动量。
1 Normal use of nonverbal communication, age andd situation appropriate. 正常的非语言交流,符合年龄和情境。
1 Normal use of, andd response to taste, smell, andd touch. 味觉、嗅觉和触觉反应正常,使用正常。
1 Not everyone can perceive the gradual change in the writer's style. 不是每个人都能觉察到作者写作风格的渐变。

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