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[bbe] Then Joseph went to Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brothers with their flocks and their herds and all they have, are come from Canaan, and are now in the land of Goshen.

[bbe] Then Joseph made a law which is in force to this day, that Pharaoh was to have the fifth part; only the land of the priests did not become his. 于是约瑟为埃及地定下常例直到今日、法老必得五分之一、惟独祭司的地不归法老。
[bbe] Then Joseph made the children of Israel take an oath, saying, God will certainly give effect to his word, and you are to take my bones away from here. 约瑟叫以色列的子孙起誓说,神必定看顾你们。你们要把我的骸骨从这里搬上去。
[bbe] Then Joseph said to his brothers, Come near to me. And they came near, And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom you sent into Egypt. 约瑟又对他弟兄们说、请你们近前来、他们就近前来.他说、我是你们的兄弟约瑟、就是你们所卖到埃及的。
[bbe] Then Joseph said to his brothers, The time of my death has come; but God will keep you in mind and take you out of this land into the land which he gave by his oath to Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. 约瑟对他弟兄们说,我要死了,但神必定看顾你们,领你们从这地上去,到他起誓所应许给亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各之地。
[bbe] Then Joseph took them from between his knees, and went down on his face to the earth. 约瑟把两个儿子从以色列两膝中领出来,自己就脸伏于地下拜。
[bbe] Then Joseph went to Pharaoh, and said, My father and my brothers with their flocks and their herds and all they have, are come from Canaan, and are now in the land of Goshen. 约瑟进去告诉法老说、我的父亲和我的弟兄带著羊群、牛群、并一切所有的、从迦南地来了、如今在歌珊地。
[bbe] Then Joseph, unable to keep back his feelings before those who were with him, gave orders for everyone to be sent away, and no one was present when he made clear to his brothers who he was. 约瑟在左右站著的人面前、情不自禁、吩咐一声说、人都要离开我出去.约瑟和弟兄相认的时候、并没有一人站在他面前。
[bbe] Then Joshua said to the two men who had been sent to make a search through the land, Go into the house of the loose woman, and get her out, and all who are with her, as you gave her your oath. 约书亚吩咐窥探地的两个人说、你们进那妓女的家、照著你们向他所起的誓、将那女人、和他所有的、都从那里带出来。
[bbe] Then Joshua said, Take away the stones from the mouth of the hole in the rock, and make those five kings come out to me. 约书亚说、打开洞口、将那五王从洞里带出来、领到我面前。
[bbe] Then Judah said to Simeon his brother, Come up with me into my heritage, so that we may make war against the Canaanites; and I will then go with you into your heritage. 犹大对他哥哥西缅说:「请你同我到拈阄所得之地去,好与迦南人争战;以后我也同你到你拈阄所得之地去。」
[bbe] Then King David sent, and had him taken from Lo-debar, from the house of Machir, the son of Ammiel. 于是大卫王打发人去、从罗底巴亚米利的儿子玛吉家里召了他来。

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