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Do you want abe or me to go with you? Tom ask his wife.

Do you see? he asked softly. “你看到了吗?”他问得很温柔。
Do you think I should go back and live with Angus again? You can try. It's never too late to mend and the breakup may have made him see sense. 你认为我应该回去和安格斯重归于好吗?你可以试试。改过不嫌晚嘛,再说,这次一段时间的分手也会使他明白许多道理。
Do you think I'm going to swallow that story? --Not on your nelly. 你以为我会轻信那项报道吗?--绝对不会。
Do you think that I used to do ah? “你以为我以前经常这样做啊?
Do you want TAIWAN to be an independent state with full international and legal legitimacy ? 「你想要台湾成为一个在国际上和法律上具有合法性的独立国家吗?」
Do you want abe or me to go with you? Tom ask his wife. 你想要艾贝或我跟你去吗?汤姆问他的妻子
Do you want any more books?I now asked, earnestly regarding the boy's serious face. “你还要买别的书吗?”这时我问道,热切地看着那男孩严肃的脸孔。
Do you want incoming folders included in the old incoming folder to be updated now? 你想现在更新包括旧目录的下载文件目录?
Do you work better in teams or by yourself? 对于你来说,与团队一起工作和独自干活哪样效率更高?
Do your squat! Do your squat!the policewoman barked. Arms up! 「蹲马步!蹲马步!」一名女警吆喝。「手举高!」
Doctor,he said sadly, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to cut off my dog's tail. “医生”,伯特伤心的说:“我来这里的目的,是请你把我的个狗狗的尾巴切了。”

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