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They want to reclaim the Bundesliga crown from last season's surprise package Stuttgart and have spoken brazenly about also winning the UEFA Cup and the German Cup.

They want to know why some pleople are shy, but others are quite talkative. 他们想要知道为什么有些人害羞,而有些却十分健谈。
They want to learn about areas they have not been to before, to find out about the people and the natural resources of the area. 游客想要了解先前未知的地区,了解当地的人民以及该地区的自然资源等。
They want to loosen their ties with Britain. 他们想要削弱同英国的关系。
They want to move everyone with their behaviors and suffuse the world with love. 她们表示要用自己的行为去感染世界上的每一个人,让爱心充满全世界。
They want to organize a consortium of labor parties. 他们想要组织一个劳工团体。
They want to reclaim the Bundesliga crown from last season's surprise package Stuttgart and have spoken brazenly about also winning the UEFA Cup and the German Cup. 他们想从上赛季意外夺冠的斯图加特手中收回德甲桂冠,也厚脸皮地提及,同时赢得联盟杯和德国杯。
They want to remember who they're speaking to! 应该让他们明白是跟谁说话呢。
They want to renounce the pacifist constitution foisted on Japan by America. 他们想废弃美国强加给日本的和平宪法。
They want to see action movies. 他们想看动作片。
They want to see it very much. 他们非常想去看看它。
They want to see substantial changes. 他们想看到实质性的变化。

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