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Joan's death caused French people's great indignation.

Joan ran ahead to film us as we crossed the bridge. 我们过桥时,琼跑到前面为我们拍照。
Joan recognized you, didn't she? 琼认出了你,是不是?
Joan successfully turned aside all opposition. 琼成功地避开了所有的反对意见。
Joan went there and said to the matron, I've come to visit Captain Humphreys. 琼到了医院,她对护士长说,“我来看望军官汉弗雷斯。”
Joan's career with the firm is really beyond redemption. 琼在该公司的工作确实没有回旋余地了.
Joan's death caused French people's great indignation. 圣女贞德的死引起了法国人民的极大愤慨。
Joan's family will probably be able to move back into their apartment because of the building steel construction that allowed it to move and sway, but no cave in. 人们坠入爱河时的情感非常之强烈,当时绝对没有人会停下来考虑大脑里的化学万分的。
Joan's fever led to a diagnosis of pneumonia. 对琼发烧的诊断是她得了肺炎。
Joan's mother refused to consent to let her go abroad. 琼的母亲不答应让她出国。
Joan: But many people in many countries don't have access to the Internet. 琼:但是在很多国家,很多人没有使用因特网的通道。
Joan: Disco doesn't count. Can you waltz? 琼:迪斯科不算。你会跳华尔兹吗?

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